Now there are so many things in my head twirling around but
vague to describe. It’s like a de ja vu situation; when the scene
comes to an existence only then you realize it has happened
before. To us human beings these things are like the many
thoughts of our first sex; how it would be and how you would
be. But we only come to know it at the time if its existence,
greatness cannot be understood until otherwise. Intimacies
are so complicated. One moment you want to hump and the
other moment you are thinking of the bump. Although
intimacies play the part of one of those tiny genuine feelings
we have. You are so high on passion, it can only be played as
a wild card until someone knows how to play it efficiently. It
is like that freshly baked cake or like relationships; after a
certain age it expires and when it is in the bowl it as delicious
as that cake. The heat of the moment is so high that you
wonder of your existence for experiencing it. When you are
in the moment, oh it diffuses like a virus in our blood;
available everywhere on high amount. And look at these
pretty things, they give you your first kiss and its infinity pool.
The first time you had sex or may it be the best sex you ever
had, intimacy plays like a hall ticket; if you don’t have it, you
certainly don’t get to do it. A plate full of unprecedented
actions. Alcohol is secondary and it makes us see if we really
need it, just like taking the dirt off the bottle. But everything
we have in life is limited, under boundaries and just like it,
intimation stops at a certain age and people tend to anguish a
plethora of life disasters. I think that we should look at it like
that one big delicious cheesecake we can’t get enough off and
enjoy it to the core while we have it in our plate. Snatch it like
en eagle hunts its prey and drench in it. It is capable of giving
you one good happy healthy and memorable period of time.
It’s what makes a person a man and another a woman.
Shining bright upon their love they mate, the most beautiful
period in their lives sweating off the intimacy.
@ Ankita