Reviews are Mandatory !

bhampak post

Reviews are Mandatory!

It was a winter Sunday afternoon. No duty, no work and absolutely nothing to do.I getting was restless in my sleep.. Suddenly, the thought of exercising came to my mind … but which exercises to do? Where to do? How to do? A hundred questions overcame me.. But our tech savvygeneration has a great and instant solution to any and every problem and situation. Yes, my mobile was beside me,I took it in my hand and Googled my query/question. I looked out for the best exercises in winter…and got many search results for the same.

I opened approximately 2-3websites which could serve my purpose but after that I got addicted to the mobile for going through many more links about the exercises. Some of them about classes, hospitals, clinics, Exercise institutes. After opening few of them, I realized that they mainly showed three tabs: Overview, Reviews and Photos.

Obviously the first by default was of Overview where I got the Contact No., direction, and address, star-rating and all such typical stuffs. The third tab was about photo gallery which was a bit interesting and enough to catch my intention. A sort of communication about the institutions started with me with those uploaded photographs. In fact, photograph itself a good tool of communication in modern world of technology.

All these were not onlyrestricted to Gallery but the most important tab from the communication point of view was of ‘Reviews’ where many people had expressed their views. It was good enough to know about the Institute. Here, reviews were expressed by many people based on what they actually feel about the institution. Some reviews were in favour while some were against as well. One can find them so useful after all it is assumed that it is written by the user on their experience. These lines of texts are accompanied by numerical rating. A deep study of review can help a non-user provided the reviews are real. These reviews are generally not fake because they are posted by the Gmail users and display usernames.

Suddenly my phone rang; it was my friend’s call. So we decided to go to the Cinema to freshen up our moods. We had heard some favourable reviews regarding ……. (Cinema) So we planned to go there. Again, it brought me back to the same trail of thoughts about reviews! People give reviews on the cinema what they like and what they don’t! Is it worth for value of their money or not? In fact they are communicating to the people whether they should go or not? Whether they should spend money or not? Is anything good to see or not? And it continues…

After returning from the movie, we were so hungry. It was a time to have some delicious food and for that again we gone through reviews and photos uploaded on the site.
‘It is a notable fact that many people are professional reviewers! It is their work to visit places, watch movies, taste food and write reviews about it. Surely does help people like us to consider our options and choose our movies/books/places/facilities as per our choice and budget range’. This is a newly developing professional field in writing profession.
One can also express his view, no need that he should be a Professional Review Writer. But his opinions should be clearly and honestly expressed and obviously as per best of his knowledge. While writing the reviews, one should keep in the mind that their Reviews may prove a route map for one’s decision making.

– Snehal Kalbhor

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